Friday, November 30, 2012

This is amazing!

I have to share this because of how amazing it is. Important for me now since I just had a baby girl.

50 rules for dads of daughters

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fun Things For Kids

I've seen this done several times before on YouTube and Mythbusters. So I had to try it and thought it would be fun to do with Gabe. And it was. Enjoy.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Restaurants Are For Kids Too

Every single person or couple without kids thinks about this while near a angry kid. Why can't you control your kid????

All I have to say about that is L. O. L. Obviously you don't have kids and are not used to being around them. And it's not fair that just because my kid is insane on occasion, doesn't mean I have to stay at home 24 7 with him until he is 18. Don't you remember being a kid?  It's a blast. Zero responsibilities. Don't have to pay for a thing. Come on people!  Suck it up and realize that it isn't about you all the time.

The reason why I am complaining about these people is because of Facebook. I won't mention names or stories, but let's just say that this particular person (who is over 30, not married, no kids, and is bouncing between jobs) was comparing that while she was waiting in a waiting room that a kid was yelling "near" her.

Well, you are lucky that the kid was not yelling at you and throwing metal toys at your face.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Legos Of Death

When my wife was pregnant with out first, and we found out we were having a boy, I'll admit that I was pretty excited. I could have a little mini me to teach how to camp, build forts with, and set things on fire. But then I realized for a good year, all I could do with him is change diapers and clean up puke.

Once he was old enough to play with cars and Legos, I was pumped. Finally we could do something dangerous. But then I realized more bad news. The giant Legos that little kids play with are lame. They are gargantuan and the forts you can make with them are dumb. There are no little Lego people you can use either.

But now that my son is 5, we can actually play with the normal, grown-up Legos. But guess what?  I've stepped on so many of them that the thought of spreading them across the floor and accidentally stepping on one makes me tear up a little. There are multiple levels of pain. Boo-boos, ouchies, all the way up to childbirth. But above all of that is stepping on Legos.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nature Lover

Kids do say the darndest things. That show wasn't lying.

I went outside with my son the other day to play in the front lawn. He noticed a toad and jumped under our front porch. So we are kneeling down in front of the porch watching the toad hop around. And then my sons looks at me and says, "Don't kill nature daddy. Let the toad live."

Apparently he expected me to murder the toad.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Shot In The Nuts

My son just turned 5 on the 4th of July. I have been hit in the nuts more times since he has been born that the rest of my life combined. It's amazing how often it happens really.

When the child is young enough to hold, you must always maintain knowledge of where the babies feet are. Trust me on this guys.

When the baby is old enough to walk, he is able to punch and headbutt you in the groin to the point he thinks it is funny.  Just the other day, I took Gabe on a hike. Gabe went running off through a field and thought it would be a good time for a picture of video. So I have a video clip of Gabe sprinting at me from about 50 yards away. He came right up to me and punches me square in the man parts. I timed the video just right to hit the end record button just as I got punched, so you hear a loud yelp at the end.

Men, watch out for your boys.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bike riding

Gabe leanered how to ride a bike without training wheels about a month ago. It's been really cool. However, 50% of the time he rides his bike, he wrecks it. At this point it's driving me nuts because he might do more than skinning his knees and elbows.

So after another accident just a few moments ago, I'm debating about putting his bike up for awhile. Maybe once fall comes around he can ride it a couple more times before it gets cold out. But I also want his wounds and bruises to heal before he starts school. Not sure what to do.

You would think at this point he would want to stop riding anyway because of how many wrecks he has had, but I guess not.